Event venue near Beaver Dam, WI with a variety of events from March to October including the Dodge County Fair.
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Buck Skinners Featured At The Old Time Gathering
The Buck skinners will be featured at the Old time Gathering
on Saturday, September 22 at the Dodge County Fairgrounds, Beaver Dam.
They will have their camp set up and will be dressed in period costume.
They will also have their teepees set up. Their old time crafts include
blacksmithing, cooking, black powder, cannons, candle making, trade goods,
flint napping, and fire starting. They will be demonstrating various
crafts and have wares for sale. This year in the buck skinners area there will
also be spinning and tomahawk throwing. Indian fry bread will be
available for sale. The candy canon will fire on the hour.
If you have questions on the Old time Gathering,
please contact Sally Schoenike at 920-386-3790.
Saturday morning, the Dodge County Fairgrounds will be filled with rows of booths and tables displaying interesting finds and unique items. Vendors from all over the area will be kicking off this year’s flea market and craft fair season in Beaver Dam. Saturday, May 22nd will be the first of six monthly events. The event [...] http://dlvr.it/S00LNT
" data-image-caption=" Glass Milk and Kitchen Wares at Flea Market " data-medium-file="https://dodgecountyfairgrounds.com/wp-content/uploads/20160604_074056-e1631541422658-300x200.jpg" data-large-file="https://dodgecountyfairgrounds.com/wp-content/uploads/20160604_074056-e1631541422658-1024x682.jpg" />The first day of fall is right around the corner. Get a jump on the crisp season in Beaver Dam this Saturday, September 18 -- with seasonal items and seasonal produce at our outdoor market and vendor fair. This Saturday is the first of two remaining flea markets and craft fairs of the year. Gates [...] http://dlvr.it/S8yj6v
Upcoming event: The Junior Fair 4-H Horse Show is a judging event for youth participating in the 4-H horse project. Exhibitors are judged on their ability to show his/her horse at halter, riding, drive, performance, and horsemanship. Continue reading → near Beaver Dam, WI http://dlvr.it/RffgxP
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