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Relive a Bygone Era at Old Time Gathering

      Preserving the intricate crafts of a bygone era will be the theme for the Fourteenth Annual Old Time Gathering, at Dodge County Fairgrounds, Beaver Dam on Saturday, September 22 from 9am-4pm.  The event is free to the public.
      Scheduled events will include Folklore Village dancers at noon and 2:30 pm.  Swinging Beaver's Square dancers will perform at 10:00 am, 11:00 am, and 1:00 pm.  The Fiddle Magic Players as well as Blue Grass Music will be on the grounds.  An Antique Purse Presentation by Darlyn Pfeiffer will be at 2pm. Everyone is welcome to join in and participate.
      Throughout the day there will be demonstrations, hands-on opportunities and old time crafts.  The exhibits found in the Youth Building will include: spinning, weaving, embroidery, knitting, crocheting, braided rugs, wool hooking, quilting, stitchery, stencil painting, herbs and healing, basket weaving, rosemaling, trapping, butter making, and much much more.  The Dodge County Master Gardeners will be joining us again this year.
      In the Youth Building there will be kite making, old toy tractors, old time tools, toys & trains, as well as make and take pumpkin decorating and make and take cookie decorating.
      Old time games will be played all day
      This is our sixth year for a Pie Contest.  Bring homemade fruit and other pies to the Youth Building by 10:00 am, judging is at 11:00 am and cash prizes will be awarded.  The pies are donated to the Old Time Gathering.  The Pie Social begins at 12:30 pm.  Pie walks will be held at 12:45 and 1:45.
      There will be a Kiddie Pedal Pull from 10 am to 1 pm.
      Barbara Harvey will have her Birds of Prey display in the Arts & Crafts Building.
      The Dodge County Antique Power Show will have several old time exhibits and also will provide wagon rides for free.
      On the west end of the fairgrounds the buckskinners will be in period costume and teepees.  Their old time crafts will include: blacksmithing, cooking, black powder cannons, candle making, trade goods, flint napping, and fire starting.  They will be demonstrating various crafts and have wares for sale.  This year in the Buckskinners area  
they also will be spinning and tomahawk throwing.  Indian fry bread will be available for sale.  The candy canon will fire on the hour.
      The Dodge County 4-H Family Cookbook will be on sale in the Youth Building.

      Close by will be a 4-H educational hands-on petting zoo.  Four-H members and FFA members will be on hand to show their animals.  A farmers market will feature honey, apples, pumpkins, potatoes, meat and produce.
      Dodge County HCE will offer concessions including hot sandwiches, homemade bars and cookies and beverages in the Coop Building.
      Dodge County 4-H Leader's Association and Dodge County HCE sponsor the Old Time Gathering.  Supporting organizations include the Dodge County Fair Association, Dodge County Antique Power Club, Ebert's Greenhouse Village, Dodge County Dairy Promotion Committee, Eberle's Farm Market, and Waldevogel's Farm Market.  If you have questions on the Old Time Gathering, please call (920) 386-3790.


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